Presenting Symptoms:
A 32 year old married male with Kidney Failure was suffering from nausea at sight or smell of food with vomiting at times, puffiness of face and mild pedal edema with reduced urinary output (which finally indicate to the problem like Kidney Failure) and rec. hiccough since 2 months.
Symptoms selected for Prescription:
Abuse of medicaments, Fear of Death, Fear of Surgery, Offended easily, Irritability, Consolation Aggravates, Desire for Solitude, Desire for Salt .
Heat/Cold Reaction : NP
Blood Ex(21/11/08 ): S.Creat-11.5, BUN-56, Na-112, K-5.1
The raised Creatinine showed case of Kidney Failure.
Medicine selected :
On the basis of above Symptoms Natrum Mur was selected
Potency selected was 0/2
Nov. 21,2008: NM. 0/2 was prescribed with SL for 2 weeks.
Nov. 22,2008: Patient reported P/R Bleeding, Hamamelis 0/5 was given.
Nov. 29,2008: Patient reported with S.Creat. 8.5 and BUN 59.No Bleeding P/R. Nausea and Vomiting was OK, with reduced urine output and puffiness on face.Nat Mur 0/5 and Apis mel 0/5 were given.
Dec. 8,2008: Patient was clinically well. S.Creat 3.41 B.Urea 43. Natrum mur 0/2 with Sac Lac was repeated for 14 days.
Dec. 23,2008: Patient was clinically well. S.Creat 2.01,B.Urea 38. N mur 0/7 with Sac L was repeated for 28 days.
Feb. 04,2009: Patient was clinically asymptomatic. S.Creat 1.54, B. Urea 26. SLac was repeated for 4 weeks
Mar. 20, 2009: Patient was clinically asymptomatic. S. Creat 1.3, BUN 13. SacL was repeated for 4 weeks.
April 24, 2009: Patient was clinically asymptomatic. S.Creat 1.23,B. Urea 24. SLac was repeated for 3 months.
Dec. 25,2009: Patient reported after 8 months with S.Creat 1.06, B. Urea 31.0. Presently complained of mild hiccough. Acid Sulph 0/2 was given for 3 days followed by ScLc for 4 weeks.