kidney failure is a chronic kidney condition that affects around 4 out of 10 Americans. It can lead to heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. If you have kidney problems, it’s important to see a qualified healthcare provider for check-ups and tests. Some people…
Image Source: FreeImages Kidney failure is a condition which can lead to an individual needing dialysis or even having a kidney transplant. If you have chronic kidney disease, it means that your kidneys are no longer able to filter your blood effectively. This means that…
Thyroid Disease is a medical condition impairing the function of the thyroid. DISEASES (A) HYPER- AND HYPOFUNCTION Imbalance in production of Thyroid Disease hormones arises from dysfunction of the thyroid gland itself, the pituitary gland, which produces thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), or the hypothalamus, which regulates…
An ovarian cyst is any collection of fluid, surrounded by a very thin wall, within an ovary. Any ovarian follicle that is larger than about two centimeters is termed an ovarian cyst. An ovarian cyst can be as small as a pea, or larger than an orange.Most…
1. यह धारणा कि होम्योपैथिक दवाइयां एलोपैथिक, आयुर्वेदिक एवं अन्य दवाओं के साथ नहीं चल सकती गलत है. 2. यह धारणा अवैज्ञानिक है कि इन दवाइयों का असर प्याज-लहसुन, तंबाकू, सिगरेट, शराब, पान एवं अन्य वस्तुओं के लेने से समाप्त हो जाता है. 3. यह…
Our Kidney failure and Homeopathy which are also called the master chemist of the body maintains the electrolytic balance of the body fluid, maintains the osmolarity and acid – base balance. 1. The Kidney Failure and Homeopathy are the key organs to maintain the balance…
1 in 3 adults are at risk for getting kidney disease (CRF ). To be at risk means it is more likely you will get kidney disease. Anyone can get kidney disease, but some things can make it more likely to happen to certain people.…